
MINI Fashion Bloggers Frighten Me.

When I was 12, my mother took me shopping for an outfit for a friend’s Bat Mitzvah. I bought a yellow plastic jumper dress (think raincoat material) and black thigh-highs. It made a swishing noise when I walked and my pudgy legs spilled over my tights, despite that, I thought I looked pretty fuckin cool. I made my mother take pictures, lots of pictures. Now, I would pay my mother to burn those pictures!! She won’t, she loves them. Of course, this was all in the days before the interwebs and blogging. Thank goodness.

Times have changed, now wearing what you think is a super cool ensemble to a p'tay is no longer the way of showing off your style. Tweens are taking their passion for fashion to the Internet, writing and starring in their own blogs for the whole world to see.

Tavi Gevinson is only a 12-years-old, but she's getting tons of attention from NY fashion editors. Editors say this kid knows couture. On her blog, Style Rookie, Tavi posts photos of herself, posing in her favorite designer/designer inspired creations.
She was recently interviewed for the August edition of New York Times T Style. Stay tuned.
Watch the video on her blog. I’m amazed//disturbed by her sense of style and use of language. She says things like "when I was a child", and refers to herself as a "hag". This kid seems original, self-aware, a real old soul. I give her props, but at the same time I find her frighteningly precocious. If you read some of the hype, she’s going to be an editor at Vogue before she graduates high school! Anna Wintour’s blessing pending, of course.

Tavi, is not the only mini-blogger getting buzz and racking up (pun intended) fashion credibility points.
Teen Vogue recently featured a whole spread on young online fashion phenoms. 
I have questions:
1) Where are these kids getting the cash to buy loads of D&G designer duds?
2) Aren’t their parents worried about pictures possible predators can see online?
3) Is blogging replacing Barbie? (soon you will see “Blogging Barbie”- she comes with mini Mac and webcam!!)

USA Today also did a piece on the trend. Clearly it has some parents concerned.

Final thought - It's a scary world (or should I say world wide web) we live in, where cute kids are growing up just so darn fast.

1 comment:

kb said...

i just friend requested tavi on twitter... how meta!