
Time For A Little Optimism

As February winds down, we are all a little hopeful that the snow will soon melt, the clouds will part, the sun will shine, the heat will rise, the clothes will come off...

...Anyway...winter is a drag and if freezing temps aren't bad enough there's the thousands of job losses daily, hiring freezes, failing banks...a.k.a "global financial meltdown"

But is this time to become the positive minded optimist or remain the clear headed realist???

Before President Obama delivered his State of the Nation address this week, political pundits suggested that Obama's words would have to instill a sense of hope that things (mostly the economy) are going to get better. The financial markets have been experiencing a crisis of confidence. Investors worry about the steps being taken to fix the economy.

Now that spring is around the corner, I think you are going to hear a lot more about these "reasons to be optimistic" - reasons why there is hope things are going to get better. The Daily Beast does a good job at laying some of them out.

And for your reading pleasure: The Optimist

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